Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I just got handed some literature announcing that Nassau County was in deep trouble. Property values are sinking. Jobs are fleeing. Young people can't afford to stay. Taxes are high. But it wasn't the GOP literature saying this. This was the Democrats.

That's right. Tom Suozzi's running mates are admitting that Nassau is in deep trouble. Yet they have the nerve to claim they can fix this. Imagine that; they create the problem and then claim they can fix it.

The problem is real. Now the question is how are we going to fix this? Suozzi's people are claiming they have the ideas to fix it. I'd like to go over these ideas for you and let you make the decision for yourself.

Suozzi: raise taxes 76% since taking office. Keep the assessment system that has cost us $100 million a year for the last several years and blame the homeowners who have the gall to dispute the county's figures. Institute a new 2.5% tax on all energy bills at a time of record energy prices. Fill the county with patronage employees, who do political work on the county's time. And by the way, since that's illegal, cover it up by terminating the whiners who sue and win big. Give out performance bonuses to the good workers who help the Suozzi ambition, bonuses that are matched only by AIG in their impropriety. Use Nassau as an ATM to support your own shameless ambition (and that goes for Tom Suozzi and Dave Mejias both). Cut spending on detectives and the police force in the name of austerity, only to hold press conferences when heroin use explodes. Eliminate local government (and take their revenue) and do the job half as good for twice to cost. Talk about a property tax revolution and start a facebook group about how young people should move to Nassau and then take no real action after the cameras turn off.

Mangano: Cut wasteful spending. Scrap the flawed tax assessment, and stop blaming the homeowners who ask for their money back. End the unfair home energy tax. Cut out the Suozzi machine that is running political operations on county time. Work with local governments, not against them. Develop and create jobs (like Ed did at the Grumman plant), instead of developing a neat new press kit and a nifty new speech like Suozzi has done. Support our detectives and police and actively fight crime before it happens. Bring jobs and opportunities to Nassau County through action, not talk.

Mangano -- results and good government.

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