Wednesday, September 23, 2009

4 More Years

Tom Suozzi is a man who thinks he is going places. He claims that he wants to be the first Italian American President. He ran for governor against a man who was unbeatable.

So it is no surprise that this week in a throwaway paper, Tom Suozzi put out an ad paid for by Tom Suozzi for governor. He claims it was a mistake.

Was it? Is Suozzi so focused on going places that he has lost track of everything happening in Nassau County? Can the man read? Does he read the NIFA report? Does he read the budget? Does he care about Nassau County or his own promotion?

The man who wants to fix Albany is the man who destroyed Nassau County. Destroyed our quality of living. Destroyed our tax base. Destroyed our reputation as the greatest suburban county in American.

Its time for a change.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A New Series

We here at Savenassau want to take the opportunity to announce a new series. This week, Tom Suozzi released his new budget. We're going to go through it line by line and expose the fallacies it it.

First, let's look at his sales tax revenue projections. Tom projects that tax revenue will recover from a precipitous drop this year and last year. This recovery will allow him to continue to increase spending and balance the budget in time for his run for AG.

He's projecting a 7% bump in revenue. You look in your wallet and tell me-- will you spend more next year after the harrowing events of the last year? If you spend more, will you spend 7% more? Historic data since 2001 shows that there has NEVER been an increase of that magnitude. Ben Bernake predicts a slow recovery. Others predict a jobless recovery. They are trained economists. Tom has a degree in Bankrupting viable municipal entities. But even so, he knows better and predicts that the economy will go from 20mph in reverse to 150 in a second. All while Nassau continues to lose population due to his high taxes.

Yeah right. Get ready for another bump in tax rates if we don't wake up and vote this guy out.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

News 12

Today News12 ran a story about Tom Suozzi's budget. What an eye opening report. Long lines outside Health and Human Services. People taxed beyond recognition.

Does anyone think that Tom is done raising taxes? Ed was interviewed and exposed the truth. The invidious home heating oil tax is really a substitute for a 4.5 property tax. Call it a tax by any other name. Residents were interviewed and are fed up. They aren't idiots. They know the taxes haven't stopped.

Suozzi's game is up. Hide and seek only lasts for so long. People are so fed up with the state of the county and the state that they want change. Suozzi was so busy fixing Albany -- and failing -- that he let Nassau County break. Now it's time to elect someone who wants nothing more than to govern his home county.

Tom Suozzi's planning a run for something bigger and better. At least in his mind. What's wrong with being CE of Nassau County? To Tom, everything. He's got to be what he deserves to be in his own mind...king of the highest castle. To get there he's willing to sell Nassau County down the river. His commercials speak of events that happened long ago and in a different county.

Let's talk about the here and now. Tom Suozzi's got no plan for Nassau County. He's just got a plan to parachute out. His other commercials blame everything on Albany. You can't blame Nassau's disaster, made by Tom Suozzi, on Albany. No way. No can do.

Let's hold High Tax Tom accountable.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Truth of Tom Suozzi's Budget

Let's take the Newsday article that touts Tom Suozzi's declarations of a no new tax budget apart. Line by line.

Cigarette taxes -- Tom wants to enact a massive and regressive tax on cigarettes. By the way, cigarette taxes are probably the dumbest way to raise money, since people immediately stop smoking.

"His plan includes a proposal, though still not approved by the state, for a $1.50 per pack tax on cigarettes sold in Nassau. It's expected to bring the county $16 million annually. "The supporting legislation has been drafted in the State Assembly, with a 'same-as' being drafted in the Senate," he added."

TRANSLATION -- Not going to happen. Silver's not going to come back into session for this. The Democrats in the Senate have no desire to help out Nassau County. Plus, Hiram Monserrate goes on trial today for an assault which he is, frankly, guilty as sin of. Once he's convicted he's out. Paterson will probably schedule a special election for November (election day?). That's a seat that will never flip to the GOP. But while the world turns, the budget deficit grows and grows. And the credit card's going to max out. Really soon.

"This percentage of increase is the smallest I can ever remember," Suozzi said Monday of the budget he must present to the county legislature Tuesday.

TRANSLATION -- I'm brilliant! I've managed to come up with a new tax that hides the amount that I'm soaking you people for! Oh yeah, and the reason it's so low is since I raised it so much last year!

Still, there is $75 million in labor obligations and state mandates that must be met.

TRANSLATION -- Where's the Visa, I mean the bond card? We can't afford to pay that 75 million so he's just going to bond it. We're going to have to pay it back when he's in Albany and long gone.

Suozzi's proposed budget, though, still relies on a modestly optimistic 1.75 percent increase in sales tax revenue, which is the county's largest income stream, accounting for nearly 40 percent of its budget. This year, it appears such revenue will have dropped between 6 and 8 percent from last year, county officials said.

TRANSLATION -- The deficit is going to be much much bigger, since people aren't shopping as much. So, this budget's a sham from the get go.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Expanding the Tax Base

If you've ever got a problem and need a solution, here's a piece of free advice. The solution probably isn't the easy way out. The panacea that glitters in the window like some kind of a North Star is most likely a mirage.

Tom Suozzi doesn't think so. In his youtube announcement of his run for reelection, he talked about expanding the tax base and then said that the solution to that was, miraculously, the Lighthouse!

That's the truth in Tom Land. I deal with reality. And in reality, one project is not going to solve everything. To expand the tax base we need a climate that encourages small businesses to grow. We need a climate that encourages entrepreneurs to come to Long Island and take advantage of our highly educated residents and highly skilled workers. We need a living condition that will allow them to start lives here.

And on that measure, Tom has failed miserably. He's raised taxes. Invented new ones. Made the tax system the most opaque and inaccurate in the country. Businesses hate uncertainty. And workers need a place to live. Suozzi's so distracted by his dreams of Albany and Life in the City that he's forgotten everything else.

I can assure you of one thing. Under Ed Mangano you're going to get real answers and straight talk from the man who knows the most about county government out of everyone in government. And you're going to get solutions, not press conferences.

Suozzi on Property Taxes

The half truths and insinuations keep on coming from the guy at 1550 Franklin Avenue. Now, Mr. Suozzi says that after misleading the legislature and the people on the red light robocams that ticket people for making legal rights on red, that the real issue is property taxes. Don't believe me? Check out Newsday.

I agree. The issue is property taxes. The issue is the county's condition. And Suozzi has failed on all counts. He's too busy running for something, anything to get him out of Rome before the the town burns down.

Property taxes are through the roof. And High Tax Tom does nothing to stop it. He's raised them by almost 80%. He invented a new home energy tax. He told Levinson, the former assessor, to jack up the values of homes as a backdoor tax so that he wouldn't have to take the political hit for raising taxes even more.

Tell Tom to stop the grandstanding and run on his results. I think if you compare Tom's results -- eight years of taxes, bankruptcy and proliferate spending -- to Ed Mangano's record of creating jobs and genuine common sense government -- you'll find Tom and his scare tactics lacking.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Truth and Tom Suozzi, Part 2

I'd like to paste in an excerpt from Tom Suozzi's facebook page.

Tom Suozzi's never been very good at sitting still, but what he has been great at is finding solutions and solving problems. At a time when too many politicians make things worse by passing the buck, Suozzi does the opposite--he tackles our problems.

OK. If you say so. But the truth is somewhat different. Here's the truth.

Tom Suozzi is an expert at creating problems and blaming other people. Take a look at NIFA. I'm not going to deny that Nassau wasn't doing too well back in 2001. But Tom took a bailout from the state (a bailout that was a one shot deal; courtesy of the state's perilous condition and Tom Suozzi's friends like Craig Johnson destroying the once legendary power of the Republican Long Island delegation, it can't happen here again). Thing is, Tom dug a deeper hole. He took the 100 million. And he spent. And taxed. And borrowed. Don't believe me? Just get the NIFA report.

In a word -- if a solution was a tree and Tom was in a forest, he wouldn't be able to find one.

Tom also lies about his ability to take responsibility. I haven't seen him take one single shred of responsibility for Nassau County's condition. Instead he blames Tom Gulotta. Tom left office 8 years ago and hasn't been seen since. He blames the GOP legislative majority -- gone since 99. He blames the economy -- you can't pin over a hundred million on the sales tax. He claims that the Lighthouse is going to save Long Island unconditionally, all while doing nothing productive to bring the project off the drawing board other than bash the GOP. He and his lackey Dennenberg and Mejias blame American Water for raising rates -- a rate that their property taxes and energy tax are responsible for. He takes credit for stuff he has nothing to do with -- there was a press conference in Elmont where Suozzi and his traitor lapdog Nina Bastardi took credit for years of development work by John Ciotti, Joe Cairo, John DeGrace and Ed Ambrosino. Before that press conference, High Tax Tom hadn't been seen in Elmont since 2005. The Valley Stream/Franklin Square GOP organization is there EVERY DAY working with the local residents and businesses to develop the property.

Showhorse or workhorse? Results and answers or press conference?

You remember this in 6 weeks and vote the way you think will be best for the County. To me, there is only one answer.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

All About the Benjamins!

The truth is out. Tom Suozzi's red light cameras were all about the money, all along. Suozzi's cameras ticket people for totally legal rights on red. Tom didn't say that he would be doing that. Even Democrats like Dennenberg claim that they thought the cameras would leave legal turns alone.

Guess it's all about the money, not the safety. And its time for government that works FOR the people, not one that nickels and dimes them for every last red cent.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Crime in the County

If you read Newsday its a steady stream of crime articles. Maybe the paper's not what it used to be. Or maybe the NCPD isn't what it used to be. Courtesy of course, of Tom Suozzi's messed up priorities.

High Tax Tom and his lapdog legislature, led by the wanna be CE Dave Mejias, have cut police services. They've cut the detectives. Now the Nassau County Police Department numbers several hundred fewer at its peak. And, as everyone knows, crime is rising. People seem to have forgotten how to drive within the law.

And yet, the police budget keeps going down. Where is all the money going? Tax revenue rolled in during the good times. Where did Tommy spend it? His race for governor? His 14 deputy county executives who average over a hundred thousand a year in salary? Sending work out of state and putting working people out of jobs?

Who knows? But we need a change. We need to elect a TAX REVOLT ticket of real change before our county ends up like the other county with the worst bond rating in the country...Detroit.

More Half Truths from High Tax Tom

Well, not exactly. In this case, the half truths are from the head of a union that just endorsed him. Once again, we're seeing that High Tax Tom is getting the endorsements of his fat cat buddies at the top of the food chain. Almost a hundred union members and working men showed up tonight at a fundraiser for Ed Mangano. I doubt five real working men would show up anywhere for Tom Suozzi.

High Tax Tom has been a plague to the working men of Long Island. First of all, they can't hardly afford to live here anymore. Not after the taxes that give Taxin' Tommy his name. Second, I've seen ZERO construction on the roads. I mean, come on. Our roads are literally falling apart. When I got home today, my lower back hurt from the wild ride I'd had over some of the potholed roads Tom refuses to fix or pave. Hell, Obama gave him a gift -- stimulus money! That was supposed to be used to rebuild infrastructure and repave the roads. Instead, Taxin Tom used it to plug his budget so he can go around claiming to have 'fixed Nassau.' Keep in mind that Tom is the same guy who claimed that his botched Fix Albany campaign was the reason that Senator Bruno, Speaker Silver and Governor Pataki were able to pass a budget on time. The man has no shame.

Anyway, this is a quote from Suozzi's website.

“We’ve had bumps in the road,” said John Durso, president of the Long Island Federation of Labor. “The truth is any county executive worth his salt is going to be tough. What we don’t want is someone who won’t listen to our needs and tries to take advantage of labor. Tom’s never done that.”

Translation -- the CE is so tough that he called me and put the screws to me. I want to say he's screwed labor over, but I'm a boss. Bosses never get screwed. The real working me? The hell do I know about them?

Regarding Suozzi's mass layoffs of his members -- “It wasn’t an easy time, but it was worked out,” Durso said.

Translation -- Who cares? I'm sure Tom will take care of me when he is up in Albany. Workers? They just pay the dues.

“The Lighthouse is a major concern for labor,” Durso said. “It’ll bring jobs during construction and after it’s built. The Lighthouse would be a key economic boost, as would the revitalization of Glen Cove.”

Translation -- I don't know what this means. High Tax Tom can't do anything without mentioning the Lighthouse and it's phantom benefits, so I'll throw it in. And Glen Cove is a thriving city, made so by Taxin' Tom himself. The fact that he bankrupted the place and made it the most debt ridden city of its size in America is not relevant. But then again, Mr. Durso, if it was so thriving why do we need to revitilize it? Oh and one more thing...Ed Mangano has a record of creating jobs and working with local governments, but I don't care. Tom said in his press conference that the lighthouse is important and that he supports it, so it must be true.

Durso did that “Ed Mangano is a good man and a good friend and we work well togheter on a number of issues. But Tom’s an incumbant and we’re comfortable with the work we’ve done.”

Translation -- Ed's really the man for labor and working people since he cares and listens and doesn't throw a 2 year old child's temper tantrum when he doesn't get his way. And Tom is an incumbent so I have to support him since if I don't I might get 'hurt.'

Mr. Durso -- you are a disgrace to the working men of Long Island.

Tax Abatements for Donations

Tom Suozzi ran eight years ago as a reformer. He ran as the anti machine. He ran as an honest man, a CPA who would fix Nassau. But how has it turned out?

Tom Suozzi has turned into the worst machine politician since the halcyon days of Boss Plunkitt. We've chroniciled pay to play in Nassau. But now its even worse than I thought.

I just thought Tom Suozzi has been giving contracts to people who were big contributors, or taking contributions after the contracts are given. But now, we find out that for a $50,000 contribution, Tom Suozzi will give you a tax abaatement courtesy of the Nassau Industrial Development Agency.

What's a tax abatement? A tax abatement basically give a piece of property a break. It either removes you from the tax rolls entirely, or gives you a much reduced rate. If you're renting an apartment in a complex with an abatement, as this contributor in question was, your tenants can save a small fortune. If you develop a factory or office building, overhead will plumment by several thousand dollars.

But the tax burden just shifts. Instead of collecting the money from the property in question, you're going to have to make up the difference with higher tax rates for other properties. So, everyone else pays a little more to pay for the abatement.

Translation -- High Tax Tom is taxing the rest of us to fund his own ambitions. High Tax Tom needs those $50000 campaign checks. He's willing to tax the rest of the county to get there. Tax abatements are one of the most sought after things that the county has to offer. And Suozzi is going around giving these things out for free to people who support him?

Its time that we get government for the people and not for the contributors. We need to elect Ed Mangano as County Executive.