Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another Day, Another Scandal

Check out tomorrow's Newsday. There's going to be an article on yet another scandal in the Suozzi Administration. This time, people are fixing parking tickets for their friends and relatives. Suozzi's response is to immediately terminate, and his best buddy over at the DA's office is looking for

Suozzi's response was immediately and appropriate. But it's like he's treating the symptoms of a tumor rather than going after the tumor to destroy it. Suozzi has created a culture of cronyism and looking the other way while abuses go on in his own office. Just take a look at the LI Press last week.

Think about it. If those kind of abuses are going on under his nose, what message does that send? It tells people that it's ok to break the rules. It's the 'if you can do it, I can do it too phenomenon.' With abuses like that up in his office, Suozzi and his sanctimonious pronouncements and once in a cycle promises of money and aid, Suozzi has set a new low for cynical lying politicians.

Is it any wonder that his employees feel they can flout the law and do whatever they want?

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